HQ Collab Space Reservation Form

Use the form below to reserve a desk in the NWR Headquarters Collaboration Space

Step1: Under Select A Service, choose how long you want to book the space for.  Options are from Full day down to 30 minutes.

Step2: Under Select Staff, select the workstation you want to book time on.  Workstation names are identified in the image below.  Billing staff will choose between workstations G – L if a phone and headset is needed.

Step3: Choose the date you want to book.  Note, dates will be limited to those available based on your selections in steps 1 & 2.

Step4: Select the time you want to book.  Note, times will be limited to those available based on your selections in steps 1, 2 & 3.

Step5: Add your name and email address.  This will be used for sending you the calendar invite.

Final step for completion is to click on the Book button.

If you have a special or unique reservation request, please contact Renae Cade.
